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  • The clean and slim PFW 1000 Series is designed with hospitality content in mind. The PFW 1000 Series is, thanks to its clean aesthetics and slim profile, perfect to make your content pop. The included discrete padlock ensures that your HotelTV is secure. The clean and slim PFW 1000 Series is designed with hospitality content in mind. The PFW 1000 Series is, thanks to its clean aesthetics and slim profile, perfect to make your content pop. The included discrete padlock ensures that your HotelTV is secure.
  • The clean and slim PFW 1000 Series is designed with hospitality content in mind. The PFW 1000 Series is, thanks to its clean aesthetics and slim profile, perfect to make your content pop. The included discrete padlock ensures that your HotelTV is secure. The clean and slim PFW 1000 Series is designed with hospitality content in mind. The PFW 1000 Series is, thanks to its clean aesthetics and slim profile, perfect to make your content pop. The included discrete padlock ensures that your HotelTV is secure.

PFA 9132 Connect-IT Floor/Ceiling Support 7291320


PFA 9145 Column Clamp 7291450

PFW 1030 Display Wall Mount Turn & Tilt 7310300


689 kr

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The clean and slim PFW 1000 Series is designed with hospitality content in mind. The PFW 1000 Series is, thanks to its clean aesthetics and slim profile, perfect to make your content pop. The included discrete padlock ensures that your HotelTV is secure. 7310300

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