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  • Extend your USB up to 100m with this USB 5G (USB 3.2 Gen2x1) Extender Kit over HDBT 670-04020 Extend your USB up to 100m with this USB 5G (USB 3.2 Gen2x1) Extender Kit over HDBT 670-04020

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Extend your USB up to 100m with this USB 5G (USB 3.2 Gen2x1) Extender Kit over HDBT 670-04020


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Artikelnr: 670-04020


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USB 5G Extender Kit, 100m over HDBT with "On" or "Auto" function and PoCExtend your USB up to 100m with this USB 5G (USB 3.2 Gen2x1) Extender Kit over HDBTOn the HOST side you have your standard USB-C connector (with locking feature when using TiGHT AV USB-C cables) along with a FW updater port, a HDBT network connector and a power supply socket. Because of the PoC function you can decide on which end to power the kit via the power adapter.On the CLIENT side you have your 4 periferal USB ports. 3 USB-A ports and 1 USB-C port. In addition to the network connection and power supply socket you also have a switcher for the USB power in the kit.If you set the switch to "On" the power for the USB ports will alwas stay on that can come in handy when changning hosts but you don´t want the USB units to go into sleep.If you set it to "Auto" the USB ports will get powered as soon as you hook up your USB host on the HOST side. This will for example allow it to be used other with auto switching units and of course is environentally friendlyThe kit is backwards compatible with earlier USB-Standards 670-04020

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