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  • Charge all your mobile devices. With a powerful 100W output, you can power up to 7 devices simultaneously - whether Apple or Android.The use of gallium nitride (GaN) enables better charging performance with less heat generation. The individual components Charge all your mobile devices. With a powerful 100W output, you can power up to 7 devices simultaneously - whether Apple or Android.The use of gallium nitride (GaN) enables better charging performance with less heat generation. The individual components

This unbreakable waterproof case will allow you to have your Apple iPad by your side even when you’re going swimming.The Active Pro Rugged Case will protect your Apple iPad even from a 2m height drop!With the front and back Apple iPad case your device is


Charge all your mobile devices. With a powerful 100W output, you can power up to 7 devices simultaneously - whether Apple or Android.The use of gallium nitride (GaN) enables better charging performance with less heat generation. The individual components

Charge all your mobile devices. With a powerful 100W output, you can power up to 7 devices simultaneously - whether Apple or Android.The use of gallium nitride (GaN) enables better charging performance with less heat generation. The individual components


919 kr

Artikelnr: 540570


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7in1 GaN Charging Station 100W with Wireless charging, white 540570

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